This cheesecake has no cream cheese at all! It uses strained probiotic yogurt, brown butter and heavy cream to create a flavor and texture that is next level. A classic graham cracker crust holds everything up and since it ain’t broke and I am not gonna fix it.
There are a couple tricks I like to use when baking a cheesecake: I use a “collar” to keep the cheesecake from sticking to the pan, and a steam bath for keeping the top from cracking as it bakes.
To make the collar, cut a strip or two of parchment paper the width of your springform’s sides and long enough to reach all the way around it. After the crust has cooled completely, loosen the springform hinge slightly and fit the paper collar against the inside of the springform around the perimeter and all the way down between the crust and the springform side. Adjust the collar and make everything even and straight and then gently close the springform latch again.
A cheesecake expands when it is cooked and then shrinks as it cools. This expanding and contracting can lead to cracks in the top of the cheesecake. A steam bath helps to prevent that by evaporating water into the oven and keeping the air moist so that the surface of the cheesecake doesn’t dry out or set too quickly as it cooks and expands. To make a steam bath, find a casserole dish or similar and fill it with an inch or so of recently boiled water. Place it beneath the springform on the lower rack of the oven when you are preheating.
The procedure has 4 parts:
1- Straining the yogurt,
2- Browning the butter
3- Making the graham cracker crust, and
4- Final assembly, baking, and cooling